Add the weight of your treats to the total weight of his/her daily meals
The feeding guide is just that - a guide. So it's the daily recommended amount to feed based on an average dog’s lifestyle and metabolism. However, every pet is an individual with a different basal metabolic rate (the rate at which the body uses energy, while at rest, to maintain vital functions such as breathing and keeping warm), different exercise regimes, different home lives - for example some dogs don’t leave the house, some run around in the garden for hours. So all of these factors can influence how much you should feed.
We recommend starting off feeding the recommended amount and then monitoring your pet’s Body Condition Score to determine if this amount is right (see below). Note - this can also change throughout the year, often in winter our pets exercise less but expend more energy keeping warm.
Our nurses offer weight clinics and you can pop in and weigh your pet as often as you like!!
If you’d like to know more about why we thing you should feed raw and for some answers to some commonly asked questions before / during and post transition then visit our Raw Food Facts page.